Web Analytics for EESC: A Case Study

The EESC Web Statistics service concerns the production of quarterly and annual user statistics for the European Economic & Social Committee. These statistics take the form of both graphics and charts accompanied with detailed written analysis of the reported patterns and recommendations for the future. This service is provided for the EESC Internet website (http://eesc.europa.eu/), the EESC Intranet and the CESlink portal (http://eesc.europa.eu/ceslink/).

EWORX consultants combine their knowledge of modern web trends with state-of-the-art web analytics tools and provide their client with info regarding:

  • The number of visits and page views per content area, the depth and length of each visit as well as extensive navigational analysis per thematic area (i.e. entry and exit points). The goal is to track down which pages are the most popular ones and how the users enter, interact with and exit them, what attracts their interest and where do they tend to navigate after consume content.
  • The pages that attract most users in total (i.e. top content), the pages that most users use as an entrance to the portal (i.e. top entrances) and finally, the pages that the users view last before leaving the website (i.e. top exit points). This provides with useful hindsight on what the users think the website's main strength is and after which point their interest starts to gradually vanish.
  • We also monitor and report on the various dissemination activities and their performance to provide with intelligence on which ones attracted the highest and lowest number of visitors and the reasons behind their success and fialure (respectively).
  • Geographical analysis of the website's visitors that allow the EESC to understand where does their main bulk of "clients" come from. Also, technical stats are provided, e.g. traffic and valid hits data, most popular files for download etc.


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