Measuring the Progress of eAccessibiltiy in Europe: A Case Study
The "Measuring Progress of eAccessibility in Europe" (MeAC) study was launched as part of the follow-up to the European Commission's Communication on eAccessibility of 2005. This Communication highlighted the need for improving access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) by people with disabilities. It also announced that a follow-up on the eAccessibility situation would be made two years after the Communication, at which time the Commission may consider additional measures. EWORX has successfully contributed to the current report which supports that follow-up, providing the results of an extensive benchmarking exercise and analysis on the status and progress of eAccessibility in Europe.
Within the context of this study EWORX was responsible for undertaking the Accessibility Audit of over 300 European websites. Checks undertaken are both manual and automatic. The reports produced by the study are publicly available.